Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our words, they are a changin'

You know when you have one of those impromptu discussions that make you think about something you've previously never considered giving any thought to? Usually these talks are with a stranger - someone who sits down beside you (say at a bar, as in my case), who you try your best to ignore, but end up leaving two hours later, feeling enriched by the experience. In my case, this particular chat brought to light some thoughts about words that have been usurped by great product branding campaigns.

This is especially pertinent as Christmas sneaks up on us once again. Wait, it isn't sneaky at all. In fact, I saw my first Christmas commercial the day after Halloween. It's subject of course...buying electronic gifts for little Johnny...buy! buy! buy!...Christmas spirit - none. Jesus reference, zero. Though this may be a topic for another day, it serves as a perfect segue into my list of words that have taken a back seat to superior branding campaigns. For example:

1. What used to be a "photocopying" machine is now known as......."Xeroxing."
2. It used to be you had a "cola", now you grab a "Pepsi" out of the fridge.
3. Need a "tissue??"...Nope, you need a "Kleenex."
4. "MP3 players"...You mean an "I-POD right?"
5. "Gay" used to mean being happy...now, being "gay" means...something else - (not that there's anything wrong with that).
6. In winter, Canadians used to "snowmobile"...now, for the most part, they "Ski-Doo."

Well, you get the idea. Isn't it amazing how product branding eeks its way into our vernacular? It rings especially clear around "Christmas"...I mean, "Materialsim Day."

If you can think of any other "wordular" transitions, please leave a comment and enlighten me... Happy shopping!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about Jello, Vaseline, Tylenol just to name a few.